Imagine going down the elevator in a real mining shaft at 6 m/s.
Think about what an impression visiting a still active mine makes.
What is the effect of taking a deep breath with the aroma of natural rock salt, which is 250 million years old?

The over 2.5-hour sightseeing program includes a lecture on the history of the formation of the Kłodawa deposits and the use of salt, going down in the elevator to the level of 600 meters below the ground, and going through galleries to the underground St Kinga’s Chapel.

The excursion trail runs among the layers of unique, more than 200 million years old, pink salt.
In Europe, such salt is mined only in Kłodawa.

The Kłodawa Underground Tourist Route is available only on business days.
The mine is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and extended weekends
During the holiday season, we offer the following hours of descents to the Kłodawska Underground Tourist Route
9.15. 10.00, 15.30
sightseeing after prior reservation
by calling to the following telephone numbers:
632 733 242 and 632 733 304
or after purchasing a ticket online.
What to see nearby Kłodawa? (click here)
INFORMATION SHEET (pre-qualification survey)